The above is reposted with apologies to and in homage of Rob Tornoe, one of my favorite political cartoonists. I first read it on PolitickerOR. Do click on the image above for my adaptation!
Kari, rather than burying your "answer" here, i was hoping you'd have the decency to post a retraction on your blog, BlueOregon, what you've touted as "the biggest blog in Oregon."
After all, it was there that you intimated i had used the word "nigger." Sure, you meant "Nazi" and were clever by half calling it the "N-Word."
The problem is, in the thread in question, it wasn't even me who brought up the "N-word" into the discussion. You either didn't know what you were talking about (incompetence), or you deliberately left a false impression (malice) when you said:
Kari:if you're going to throw around the N-word, then we're done talking.
Regardless, you should now know what the right thing to do is. Clarify the more public record (if you can find the time in between spinning for your political clients).
Kari Chisholm said... Hmmm.... Well, I've been calling the word "Nazi" the N-word for a long time, now.
I went back to the Blue Oregon blog. There is scant evidence for the "long time" claim. It would be reasonable to assume that Chisholm was calling out EBT for calling someone a n**ger.
Kari Chisholm said... Calling Republicans "Nazis" cheapens what the Nazis did
Again, going back to the originating blog, Thom wasn't the one using the word "Nazi"
A public Google search of BlueOregon reveals that I have used "N-word" to mean "Nazi" on many occasions - each time, calling someone out for using "Nazi" to describe Republicans or conservatives. When? February 23, 2007 March 13, 2007 August 29, 2007 November 6, 2006
I also did the same here at Thom's Word on July 20, 2007 and July 23, 2007.
And, for the record, the reason I object to calling Republicans "Nazis" is because I believe it cheapens what the actual Nazis did. It implies that their behavior is run-of-the-mill evil, and not a special evil that deserves extraordinary denunciation.
By calling Republicans "Nazis" or George Bush "der Fuhrer" or by photoshopping illustrations of Bush's face into Hitler images, East Bank Thom does a tremendous disservice to those of us that believe that actual Nazis committed atrocities that should never be forgotten. I find it particularly troubling on the part of a university instructor that teaches German.
That was uncalled for. Some people protect their identities for a reason. The internet is not always a friendly place, and personal information can be misused. You should know better.
I'll refer the, uh... man from Mandate to my previous request:
Kari, would you mind printing a retraction over at Blue0 where you accused my [sic] of using the "N-word"?
Like i said at Drinking Merkally, it's a good thing that hot opportunity passed (given the unethical lengths you'll go to to support your boss, Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley.
And now you've banned me again from the "biggest blog in Oregon."
Posted by: East Bank Thom | Oct 14, 2007 10:13:10 PM [Ad hominem attack deleted. -editor.]
Hmmmm... Let's review the deleted comment, shall we?
Posted by: East Bank Thom | Oct 14, 2007 10:13:10 PM
[Stephanie V] - Kari, I didn't say you were hopelessly biased or an unethical asshole
Stephanie, the first phrase roughly paraphrases what Kari admitted about himself. The latter insult (minus the adjective) was slung against you by Jeff Merkley's paid media consultant. Money well spent indeed.
I tried to get a bit of clarification...
Dear Editor, How can it be considered an "ad hominem" attack, when i simply hotlinked to two quotes from Blue0's editor? I didn't even requote his admission that he is not only biased, but "very biased" nor did i requote his characterization of Stephanie V as "an asshole." Perhaps it was that i noted how the editor is Jeff Merkley's paid media consultant? Seeing that the editor has admitted as much, i don't understand how this could be considered an "ad hominem attack."
signed, Curious in SE Portland
But alas...
An error occurred... Your comment has not been posted because we think it might be comment spam. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the author of this weblog.
Thom, you have no free speech right to post in a privately-owned forum. So don't even bother going there. Free speech is something that protects you from government interference.
And yes, I've now given you a timeout on BlueOregon. Your numerous, repeated ad-hominem attacks have gotten tiresome.
Frankly, if they had been on someone other than me, I would have banned you permanently a long time ago.
I'll probably turn your access back on sometime soon. We'll see.
Above was the first "attack" from me you saw fit to delete, so i really don't understand what you're talking about. You're not a very honest man, Kari Chisholm, and it reflects poorly on your boss.
You did call Stephanie V. an asshole for her comment regarding J. Smith. Blocking someone's access a forum for calling you out on that/linking to it is troubling. (Not to say you don't have a right to do so, it is a privately owned server/blog after all, but it doesn't look good to those are paying attention.)
As for the "N-word" controversy, you using the term on a blog doesn't change the societal meaning of the term. You can use it to refer to "Nazi" until you're blue in the face, but most people reading it will draw a (VERY) different meaning if someone is accused of using the "N-word." You could, instead of using a euphemism, have just said "Nazi." There aren't any social taboos about uttering/typing the word like there are about the other "N-word."
You may also not like it being pointed out that you a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign, but that's a reality and germane to the (drearily ongoing) debate IMHO.
You may also not like it being pointed out that you a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign
For the record, I am proudly and happily a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign.
Also, I'm well aware that I post the occasional ad hominem attack too. I shouldn't, that's true, but it's usually when someone else is making things up about me (especially when they've been told the truth.)
The notion that "Thom" hasn't been posting multiple, repeated, inaccurate ad hominem attacks is absurd. There are dozens at BlueOregon and elsewhere - including THIS VERY POST.
I'm a big boy. I can take it. If it had been anybody else, I would have turned off his access long, long ago. But I've just heard from too many other folks wishing that "East Bank Thom" would just take his crap elsewhere. The phrase "pissing in the water cooler" was uttered by quite a few people, including more than a few Novick supporters. (This ain't about that.)
Thom, you've got your blog. I'm sure you'll use it effectively.
most people reading it will draw a (VERY) different meaning if someone is accused of using the "N-word." You could, instead of using a euphemism, have just said "Nazi." There aren't any social taboos about uttering/typing the word like there are about the other "N-word."
Maloney, the added irony is it wasn't even me using either "N-word" in the thread where Kari claimed. He was just using the attack to cut and run. You've seen it before. Move ... Nothing to see here.
I'm just about to finish Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them." It's quite instructional.
I've just heard from too many other folks wishing that "East Bank Thom" would just take his crap elsewhere.
Sorry to be a thorn in the side of Merkley supporters... Still, it's unethical to use this as a reason to ban me. Is this your bosses strategy? It's sort of like how he's been avoiding debates.
The phrase "pissing in the water cooler" was uttered by quite a few people, including more than a few Novick supporters.
Lestatdelc isn't quite the supporter he used to be.
The notion that "Thom" hasn't been posting multiple, repeated, inaccurate ad hominem attacks is absurd.
"Kari," you have a twisted view of what an ad hominem attack is. (Suggest you look up the term) ... In the "example" that you deleted and used as an excuse to ban me, i was merely pointing out that you had in fact referred to a woman as an "asshole." Do you get the irony? (Suggest you look that term up too)
Nice photoshops. I don't really get the Bush reference, but pretty funny!
It was linked to the word "Rovian." Compare with this pic for the connection. (Does Mrs. Chisholm know what to expect in 20 years?)
Kari, would you mind printing a retraction over at Blue0 where you accused my of using the "N-word"?
I refer the gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago.
Kari, rather than burying your "answer" here, i was hoping you'd have the decency to post a retraction on your blog, BlueOregon, what you've touted as "the biggest blog in Oregon."
After all, it was there that you intimated i had used the word "nigger." Sure, you meant "Nazi" and were clever by half calling it the "N-Word."
The problem is, in the thread in question, it wasn't even me who brought up the "N-word" into the discussion. You either didn't know what you were talking about (incompetence), or you deliberately left a false impression (malice) when you said:
Kari: if you're going to throw around the N-word, then we're done talking.
Regardless, you should now know what the right thing to do is. Clarify the more public record (if you can find the time in between spinning for your political clients).
Reading Chisholm's answer, it's bogus.
Kari Chisholm said...
Hmmm.... Well, I've been calling the word "Nazi" the N-word for a long time, now.
I went back to the Blue Oregon blog. There is scant evidence for the "long time" claim. It would be reasonable to assume that Chisholm was calling out EBT for calling someone a n**ger.
Kari Chisholm said...
Calling Republicans "Nazis" cheapens what the Nazis did
Again, going back to the originating blog, Thom wasn't the one using the word "Nazi"
Well, anon, you didn't try very hard.
A public Google search of BlueOregon reveals that I have used "N-word" to mean "Nazi" on many occasions - each time, calling someone out for using "Nazi" to describe Republicans or conservatives. When?
February 23, 2007
March 13, 2007
August 29, 2007
November 6, 2006
I also did the same here at Thom's Word on July 20, 2007 and July 23, 2007.
And, for the record, the reason I object to calling Republicans "Nazis" is because I believe it cheapens what the actual Nazis did. It implies that their behavior is run-of-the-mill evil, and not a special evil that deserves extraordinary denunciation.
By calling Republicans "Nazis" or George Bush "der Fuhrer" or by photoshopping illustrations of Bush's face into Hitler images, East Bank Thom does a tremendous disservice to those of us that believe that actual Nazis committed atrocities that should never be forgotten. I find it particularly troubling on the part of a university instructor that teaches German.
I'm now done talking about this.
Sorry, Kari... gotta call BS here. I wasn't the one who used the N-word where you accused me of it. Why are you being so stubborn?
(and unethical?)
That was uncalled for. Some people protect their identities for a reason. The internet is not always a friendly place, and personal information can be misused. You should know better.
I wasn't the one who used the N-word where you accused me of it.
Hmmm... yeah, you used "der fuhrer", but whatever.
My comment above had a bunch of links in it, but they seem to have gone away. I'll repost.
February 23, 2007
March 13, 2007
August 29, 2007
November 6, 2006
July 20, 2007
July 23, 2007
And Colin, it seems that I misunderstood the issue of Thom's identity on this blog.
If you're trying to stay anonymous on the internet, I apologize, Thom.
You might look at some of your own posts, though, as they pretty give it away. Your call.
G'night, all.
Kari, it's ridiculous for you to talk about my anonymity since you've been sitting on my resume' for 3 months.
Honestly, don't you have any ethics? Did Merkley know this when he hired you?
Is that what this is about? Not getting offered an internship?
I'll refer the, uh... man from Mandate to my previous request:
Kari, would you mind printing a retraction over at Blue0 where you accused my [sic] of using the "N-word"?
Like i said at Drinking Merkally, it's a good thing that hot opportunity passed (given the unethical lengths you'll go to to support your boss, Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley.
And now you've banned me again from the "biggest blog in Oregon."
Posted by: East Bank Thom | Oct 14, 2007 10:13:10 PM
[Ad hominem attack deleted. -editor.]
Hmmmm... Let's review the deleted comment, shall we?
Posted by: East Bank Thom | Oct 14, 2007 10:13:10 PM
[Stephanie V] - Kari, I didn't say you were hopelessly biased or an unethical asshole
Stephanie, the first phrase roughly paraphrases what Kari admitted about himself. The latter insult (minus the adjective) was slung against you by Jeff Merkley's paid media consultant. Money well spent indeed.
I tried to get a bit of clarification...
Dear Editor,
How can it be considered an "ad hominem" attack, when i simply hotlinked to two quotes from Blue0's editor? I didn't even requote his admission that he is not only biased, but "very biased" nor did i requote his characterization of Stephanie V as "an asshole." Perhaps it was that i noted how the editor is Jeff Merkley's paid media consultant? Seeing that the editor has admitted as much, i don't understand how this could be considered an "ad hominem attack."
Curious in SE Portland
But alas...
An error occurred...
Your comment has not been posted because we think it might be comment spam. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the author of this weblog.
Kari, is this Jeff Merkley's idea of freedom of speech?
Thom, you have no free speech right to post in a privately-owned forum. So don't even bother going there. Free speech is something that protects you from government interference.
And yes, I've now given you a timeout on BlueOregon. Your numerous, repeated ad-hominem attacks have gotten tiresome.
Frankly, if they had been on someone other than me, I would have banned you permanently a long time ago.
I'll probably turn your access back on sometime soon. We'll see.
"numerous, repeated ad-hominem attacks" ??
Above was the first "attack" from me you saw fit to delete, so i really don't understand what you're talking about. You're not a very honest man, Kari Chisholm, and it reflects poorly on your boss.
cc: Jeff Merkley
You did call Stephanie V. an asshole for her comment regarding J. Smith. Blocking someone's access a forum for calling you out on that/linking to it is troubling. (Not to say you don't have a right to do so, it is a privately owned server/blog after all, but it doesn't look good to those are paying attention.)
As for the "N-word" controversy, you using the term on a blog doesn't change the societal meaning of the term. You can use it to refer to "Nazi" until you're blue in the face, but most people reading it will draw a (VERY) different meaning if someone is accused of using the "N-word." You could, instead of using a euphemism, have just said "Nazi." There aren't any social taboos about uttering/typing the word like there are about the other "N-word."
You may also not like it being pointed out that you a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign, but that's a reality and germane to the (drearily ongoing) debate IMHO.
You may also not like it being pointed out that you a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign
For the record, I am proudly and happily a paid consultant to the Merkley campaign.
Also, I'm well aware that I post the occasional ad hominem attack too. I shouldn't, that's true, but it's usually when someone else is making things up about me (especially when they've been told the truth.)
The notion that "Thom" hasn't been posting multiple, repeated, inaccurate ad hominem attacks is absurd. There are dozens at BlueOregon and elsewhere - including THIS VERY POST.
I'm a big boy. I can take it. If it had been anybody else, I would have turned off his access long, long ago. But I've just heard from too many other folks wishing that "East Bank Thom" would just take his crap elsewhere. The phrase "pissing in the water cooler" was uttered by quite a few people, including more than a few Novick supporters. (This ain't about that.)
Thom, you've got your blog. I'm sure you'll use it effectively.
See ya.
most people reading it will draw a (VERY) different meaning if someone is accused of using the "N-word." You could, instead of using a euphemism, have just said "Nazi." There aren't any social taboos about uttering/typing the word like there are about the other "N-word."
Maloney, the added irony is it wasn't even me using either "N-word" in the thread where Kari claimed. He was just using the attack to cut and run. You've seen it before. Move ... Nothing to see here.
I'm just about to finish Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them." It's quite instructional.
I'm a big boy. I can take it.
Not really. You're a big bully with a short fuse.
I've just heard from too many other folks wishing that "East Bank Thom" would just take his crap elsewhere.
Sorry to be a thorn in the side of Merkley supporters... Still, it's unethical to use this as a reason to ban me. Is this your bosses strategy? It's sort of like how he's been avoiding debates.
The phrase "pissing in the water cooler" was uttered by quite a few people, including more than a few Novick supporters.
Lestatdelc isn't quite the supporter he used to be.
The notion that "Thom" hasn't been posting multiple, repeated, inaccurate ad hominem attacks is absurd.
"Kari," you have a twisted view of what an ad hominem attack is. (Suggest you look up the term) ... In the "example" that you deleted and used as an excuse to ban me, i was merely pointing out that you had in fact referred to a woman as an "asshole." Do you get the irony? (Suggest you look that term up too)
It looks to me like Kari was the one making the adhominem attack ("asshole") and silenced you to keep you from pointing that out.
Yes, my one little comment to someone else entirely about another topic entirely was inappropriate. Guilty.
But I'll just point out one thing: I haven't silenced anyone. Thom's got his own blog, and he's got all the free speech he can muster right here.
No one has a constitutional right to piss in anyone else's water cooler.
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